

List of Research papers published in UGC-CARE listed journals (2018-19)

Sr. No. Title paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal ISSN number View
1 To study the removal capacity of commercial slaked lime as an adsorbent for CO2,Genarated in industry evaluations Mrs. A.S. Puranik Chemistry Review of Research ISSN: 2249-894X Impact factor 5.7631 View document
2 To study the removal capacity of commercial slaked lime as an adsorbent for SO2,Genarated in industry evaluations Mrs. A.S. Puranik Chemistry Book Development of Resources Key to sustainable development View document
3 Comparative study of xylene soluble by FTIR and gravimetric method Mrs.A S. Patil Chemistry Review of Research ISSN: 2249-894X Impact factor 5.7631 View document
4 Impact of western Culture on Indian Society Shri. Sohoni A.M History An international multidisciplinary quarterly research journal ISSN 2277-5730 Impact factor 5.5 View document
5 Editorial role of Dr. Bababsaheb Ambedakar in reference to Swarajya Shri. Sohoni A.M History Dr. Babasaheb Ambedakr’s Thoughts ISBN 978-93-85218-48-4 View document
6 Globalization and Bahujan Society Shri. Sohoni A.M History Aayushi international interdisciplinary research journal Special  issue No.54 ISSN 2349-638X View document
7 Simultaneous determination  of pareacetamol and Diclofenac Sodium in tablet dose formed by HPTLC Dr. M.A. Badgujar Chemistry Indo – American Journal of Pharmaceutical Science ISSN -2349-7750 View document
8 Historical and Cultural heritage of Raigad District Dr.S.V.Patharkar History Excel’s international journals of social science and humanities ISSN – 2277-7539 View document
9 Chapter : Language of Tribal Mahadev koli at Dangan : a Culture accumulation Mr.Y.D.Bhandkoli Marathi Book- Science of Regional Languages ISBN -978-93-88769-11-2 View document
10 A study of Rural-Urban Population growth and distribution in Raigad District (2001-2011) Shri. S.A. Patil Geography Aayushi international interdisciplinary research journal Spcial issue No. 44 ISSN 2349-638x View document
11 T.Y.B.A – Geography Tol and techniques  geography for spatial Analysis Dr. S.A. Patil Geography Practical Journal ISBN -978-93-87778 -95-5 View document