

List of Research papers published in UGC-CARE listed journals(2020-21)

Sr. No. Title paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal ISSN number View
1 Spectrophotometric Simultaneous Determination of Chorzoxazone and diclofenac sodium in tablet dosage form Dr. M.A. Badgujar Chemistry European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine ISSN-2521-8260 View document
2 Comparative study of calcium carbonate cintent in different chiken egg shell Mrs. Asmita Patil Chemistry Tathapi- UGC care Journal ISSN-2320-0693 View document
3 Participation of tribal groups in the uprising of 1857 Dr. S.V. Patharkar History Power of Knowledge ISSN : 2320-4494 Impact Factor 2.7286 Vol I Issue –IV View document
4 Geographycal Study of population Density and distribution of rural Settlements in Sudhgad and Rohataluka of Raigad District Dr. S.A Patil Geography AJANTA Issue I Volume X Impact Factor 6.399 ISSN No 2277 – 5730 View document
5 Water quality of historicak wells in periphery of sudhagad Dr. Anjali S.Puranik Chemistry Shodhsambhita Juornal of fundamental and comparative research ISSN : 2277-7067 View document
6 Village life expressed through Ransai Mr. D.G. Mundhe Marathi ‘Research Journey’ International E- Research journal E- ISSN 2348 – 7143 Impact Factor 6.625Vol – 7 Issue -4 View document
7 Yashwantrao Chavan  Person & Work Mrs. Sarita D. Deshmukh History B.Adhar Research Journal ISSN : 2278-9308 Impact Factor 7.675 Issue No 289 View document