About The Library
About The Library
Knowledge Resource Centre (KRC) Library is the heart of the organization or institute. Library plays a vital role in the development of students as well as the faculty members. Library is trinity of user, staff members & resources. Library built collection and creates tools to the support teaching and learning. To provide better service to its user’s Sudhagad Education society, Pali Sudhagad, Raigad has established own library in 1989 for students as well as for faculty members. The Sheth J.N.Paliwala College, library is centrally located on 1st floor, near PHysics Department. There is a provision of separate reading room for boys and girls student. Library is enriched with reference books and textbooks, periodical, journal and newspapers. Library provides e-library facilities to student and all faculty members. Library is equipped with CCTV camera, Wi-Fi, Internet, LAN, New arrival display, fire safety provision and guideline for smoother and convenient movement of good services for users. The library has open access to its collection for all student, faculty and staff. The Sheth J.N.Paliwala College, library consistently supports the teaching, research and extension programmes of the college.
Vision/ Mission /Objectives
“Promote Intellectual growth and creativity by developing collections, facilitating access and effective use of information resources” Vision: Library aims to be best among academic college libraries in this reason, Library intends to incorporate the latest technology and adopt user friendly approach towards students and faculty. Library intends to offer comprehensive services related to dissemination of knowledge.
Rules and Regulations
User Category | No. of Books | Issue Period |
Academic Staff: Faculty | 25 | For a year |
Academic Staff: Non-Teaching | 5 | For a year |
Students | 1 | 08 (Exchange twice a week) |
Library Advisory Committee 2023-24
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. Sudhakar Lahupachang | Principal |
2 | Mr.Lintaj Ukey | Member- Secretary (Librarian) |
3 | Dr. Suresh Patharkar | Member (Teacher representative – Arts) |
4 | Dr. Madhukar .Badgujar | Member (Teacher representative – Science) |
5 | Dr. Anil Zende | Member (Teacher representative – Economics) |
6 | Mr. Sahil Khaire | Member (Students Representative – Science) |
7 | Mr. Jadhav Vaibhav | Member (Student Representative Commerce) |
8 | Miss. Jadhav Pratiksha | Member (Student Representative Arts) |
Library Services & Facilities
Book Collection In Library
Sr. No. | Perticulars | Numbers |
1 | Total Nos Of Books In Library | 16983 |
2 | Reference Book | 3782 |
3 | Text Books | 9032 |
4 | Other Books | 2901 |
5 | Donated Books | 1268 |
6 | Books in Book Bank | 4011 |
7 | E-Books = 5737 | 5875 |
Rare Books In E-Form = 138 | ||
8 | E-Books & E- Journals | N-LIST |
9 | Journals & Periodicals | 30 |
10 | Marathi News Papers | 12 |
11 | Hindi News Paper | 1 |
12 | English News Paper | 2 |
E- Resources
Sr. No. | Description | URL |
1 | National Digital Library of India | https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ |
2 | DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) | https://doaj.org/ |
3 | Shodhganga | https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
4 | ShodhGangotri | http://shodhgangotri.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
5 | E-ShodhSindhu | https://ess.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
6 | e-PG Pathshala | https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
7 | SWAYAM | https://swayam.gov.in/ |
8 | SWAYAM PRABHA | https://www.swayamprabha.gov.in |
9 | NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) | https://nptel.ac.in/ |
10 | Open DOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories) | https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/opendoar/ |
11 | PDF Drive – For Free E Books | https://www.pdfdrive.com/ |
12 | Project Gutenberg (over 60,000 free E-Books) | https://www.gutenberg.org/ |
Sr. No. | Description | URL |
1 | Maharashtra Public Service Commission(MPSC) | https://www.mpsc.gov.in/ |
2 | Union Public Service Commission(UPSC) | https://www.upsc.gov.in/ |
3 | Maha Bharti: For Government Jobs(Sarkari Jahirati) | https://mahabharti.in/recruitment/ |
4 | MPSC Toppers | https://mpsctopperss.blogspot.com/p/magazines |
5 | MPSCWORLD.Com | http://www.mpscworld.com/category/current-affairs/ |
6 | GKToday | http://www.gktoday.in/general-knowledge/ |
7 | eMPSC katta | http://empsckatta.blogspot.com/p/mpsc-help.html |
8 | NCERT Texts | https://ncert.nic.in/ |
9 | विकासपीडिया | https://vikaspedia.in/ |
10 | Competitive Exam Preparation | https://upscfever.com/ |
Sr. No. | Description | URL |
1 | ePustakalay : Free Library for Marathi and other language books | https://epustakalay.com/list-of-all-marathi-books |
2 | PDF Drive is a search engine for PDF files. | https://www.pdfdrive.com/marathi-books.html |
3 | दुर्मीळ इ-ग्रंथ पेढी | https://www.masapapune.org/durmil-egranth |
4 | ई साहित्य प्रतिष्ठान | https://www.masapapune.org/durmil-egranth |
5 | Matrubharti | https://marathi.matrubharti.com/ |
Sr. No. | Description | URL |
1 | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar:Writings & Speeches | http://ambedkar.navayan.com/ambedkar-books/ |
2 | Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi:Volumes 1 to 98 | http://ambedkar.navayan.com/ambedkar-books/ |
3 | Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Books | https://www.pdfdrive.com/abdul-kalam-books-books.html |
4 | Books- Savitribai and Jotiba Phule | https://velivada.com/books-savitribai-and-jotiba-phule/ |
5 | Biography & Autobiography | https://velivada.com/books-savitribai-and-jotiba-phule/ |
Sr. No. | Description | URL |
1 | Mumbai University | https://mu.ac.in/ |
2 | Savitribai Phule Pune University | http://www.unipune.ac.in/ |
3 | Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University | https://nagpuruniversity.ac.in/ |
4 | Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University | https://sgbau.ac.in/ |
5 | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University | http://www.bamu.ac.in/ |
Sr. No. | Description | URL |
1 | Mumbai University Syllabus | https://mu.ac.in/syllabus |
2 | Financial Assistance Schemes / Scholarships | https://unimumbaidsd.com/ |
Sr. No. | Description | URL |
1 | National Career Service Ministry of Labour & Employment | https://www.ncs.gov.in/ |
2 | Maha Bharti: For Government Jobs (Sarkari Jahirati) | https://mahabharti.in/recruitment/ |
3 | Staff Selection Commission (Government Of India) | https://ssc.nic.in/ |
4 | IBPS- Bank Exam. | https://www.ibpsexam.org/ |
5 | Indian Govt. Jobs | https://www.indgovtjobs.in |
6 | Naukri.com | https://www.naukri.com |
7 | Employment News | www.employmentnews.gov.in |
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